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        2016 Autumn Ancient Chinese Coinage, Sycees & Milled Coinage

        Nov. 14 at 10:00 am & 1:30 pm
        Hotel Kunlun Beijing

        In accordance with the relevant rules of the People's Republic of China, export clearance will not be granted for Lots that marked with "*". Selling prices are inclusive of 15% buyer's premium.

        * Lot 2128

          1896, Silver Coin, 50 Cents, Peiyang Arsenal, PCGS MS66(No.1)

        Estimate(RMB): 500,000-800,000

        Estimate(USD): 73,530-117,648

        Selling Price(RMB): 966,000


        光绪二十二年北洋机器局造五角银币一枚,Y-64/LM-440,为该年度所铸各面值银币中数量最为稀少者,此枚打模深峻,字口清晰,背面龙鳞饱满,版底平整细腻,淡蓝色五彩之光,美轮美奂,品相顶级,PCGS MS66,为该公司评级纪录第一名,第二名评分为MS62
        北洋机器局于光绪二十二年底开制银圆,根据海关报告记载,该年所造银币“计一圆3000枚,五角2500枚,二角12500枚,一角5000枚,半角7000枚”,年底已发行。次年中旬英文《京津泰晤士报》曾报道初期所造大小银圆乃当军饷发放,但一圆主币因成色不足而遭钱庄拒收,随后又刊出被收回重造,因此原本产量不多的北洋造光绪二十二年版系列银圆就更加稀少了,存世量更是屈指可数。 — 摘自《百年银圆》第18页。


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        Add: 26/F, Tower C, Bloomage International Center, No. 6A,Jianguomen Wai Avenue, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022 P.R.C.
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